Featured in Rye Neighbors!Thank you Rye Neighbors for the feature in their August 2021 issue! So happy to share my family to everyone because to me, family is everything.

Featured in Rye Neighbors!

Thank you Rye Neighbors for the feature in their August 2021 issue! So happy to share my family to everyone because to me, family is everything.

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Featured Greenwich Neighbors

Thank you so much to Greenwich Neighbors for featuring We Heave Ho™! So grateful to our Greenwich and Connecticut clients. We appreciate all of the referrals and have met so many wonderful families along our journey. We look forward to meeting many more!

Featured in BUSTLE

Thank you so much to BUSTLE for featuring WE HEAVE HO™ in this article “49 Cheap Products Experts Say Are Effing Amazing”. Check out numbers 44 and 45 for two great tips from Anita!


Featured in Women’s Day Magazine

Thank you so much to Women’s Day Magazine for this article about Anita, “After Her Son Battles Addiction For Years, Here’s How One Mother Found Healing”.

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Featured in BUSTLE

Thank you so much to BUSTLE for featuring WE HEAVE HO™ in the article “36 Tips From Design Pros To Make Your Home Feel Bigger”. Check out numbers 16 and 23 for some of our favorite tips.

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Featured on FAM: For All Moms Podcast

Thank you to the FAM: For All Moms Podcast for the podcast “Anita Devlin is a ‘No Judgement’ Parent” and a great conversation on the importance of having children discuss emotions and learning to be accountable.

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Featured in PBS News Hour

Thank you so much to PBS News Hour for this honest conversation centered around the healing and recovery process from opioid painkillers.

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Featured on the Reinvent Yourself Podcast

Thank you to the Covey Club for this article and interview, “Anita Devlin on Blending, Organizing, and Film Know-How” based on the Reinvent Yourself podcast.

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Ryemarkable Moms Press

Thank you so much to Ryemarkable Moms for this great conversation about WE HEAVE HO™!

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Featured on Women Worldwide Podcast

Thank you to the Women Worldwide Podcast and the host Deirdre Breakenridge for a very important conversation surrounding addiction and recovery.

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More press on recovery

My personal website includes more press based on my recovery work. We have been featured on the Short Stacks Podcast, the ASK Documentary on Addiction and Families, the Covey Club, Sports Illustrated, the WCVB Boston News, WebMD, Renew Magazine, the Huff Post with Oprah Winfrey, and much more.